Previous 2024 News
March 2024
Heather will speak about the NRCS programs that DCCL lands are currently enrolled in and possible new programs that additional lands might be eligible for. In addition, she will tell us how our lands are evaluated periodically to ensure that the WDNR is managing them properly (according to our perpetual or rental agreements).
Submitted for your consideration from Tim Eisele,
Outdoor Writing and Photography
Note: Dane County Conservation League's website is being revamped. Please reach out for questions or comments.
Join us at the Annual Banquet at the Red Mouse on April 18, 2024.
The Red Mouse, 3738 Cty Hwy P, Cross Plains, WI
If you would like to volunteer, please reach out to Dwaine Rundle at
DCCL's Public Comment:

The DCCL is a long-time member of the Sportsmen’s Alliance (SA), a nationwide organization whose mission is to, “Protect and advance America’s heritage of hunting, fishing and trapping by uniting sportsmen to protect against legal and legislative attacks by the animal-rights movement, win public support for outdoor sports, ensure the future of this heritage by involving families in the outdoor experience, and by promoting the sportsmen’s stewardship role in the scientific management of America’s fish and wildlife.”
Currently, SA is active in Wisconsin with its filing of petitions with the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the grey wolf in Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin -- otherwise known as the “Western Great Lakes” population and to provide a roadmap to putting wolf management back in the hands of wildlife biologists. Other groups that have signed on to the petitions include the Wisconsin Bear Hunters Association.
Submitted by Lowell Carter
Board Members' Corner
Each month at least one Board Member will be sharing something with the DCCL membership.
This month DCCL Board Member and Secretary, Chris Worley, shares a few pictures of "strange" things encountered this fall hunting.
1) The bird nest filled with some kind of berry was out at the Brooklyn Wildlife Area
2)The shrew also in the Brooklyn Wildlife Area was hung up in the brush [no idea if it was placed there by a bird (Shrike??)], or if it somehow got stuck.
3) The pheasant in the tree was out in the Avoca wildlife area.
February 2024

Past Events
¤ Wisconsin Fishing Expo (2024 WI Fishing Expo - Wisconsin Fishing Expo), February 23rd – 25th.
¤ DNR Wildlife Biologist Erin Grossman, guest speaker February 27th at the membership meeting, Prairie Chicken management at Buena Vista.
January Board Meeting:
Our annual meeting was held at Schwoegler’s Lanes on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. It was well attended (but always happy to have more members in attendance). Pizza was consumed and raffle prizes were given away. Thank you to Sharon Schwab, Tim Heindl, Lowell Carter, John Center, and Monica Spaeni for their time and effort in serving on the DCCL board. Nominations for the 4 vacancies were made and votes were cast. Our new members to the board are Dan Stepper, John Ebsen, Sharon Schwab (re-elected), and Tim Heindl (re-elected). The new board proceeded to elect officers for this year. They are Tim Heindl (President), Tom Ripp (Vice President), Chris Worley (Secretary) and Jeff Bloomer (Treasurer).
January 2024
The 2024 Dane County Conservation League Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 23 at Schwoegler’s Park Town Lanes, 444 Grand Canyon Dr., Madison, starting at 7 p.m. There will be some raffles/door prizes and FREE PIZZA returns.
There will be a brief financial summary of the League’s income and expenses for 2023.
The most important event of the meeting will be the election of several Board members for 2024. There will be four, three-year seats up. Most incumbents will probably run for re-election, but anyone can be nominated from the floor that evening.
Anyone who is nominated will be requested to speak on the following:
Why do you want to serve on the Board?
What experience and skills do you bring to the table that will benefit the organization?
Board members are expected to lead, not just attend a meeting once a month. Leadership may include conducting a meeting, handling finances, taking minutes, writing a newsletter, organizing a banquet, leading highway clean up, communicating with DNR staff regarding the prairie chicken lands, serving as program chairman, helping manage the pheasant farm, organizing the annual farm cookout, planning habitat projects and growing the membership.