Email Membership@DCCL.org to submit your pictures and stories

 -  October 2024-


 -  September 2024-


 -  August 2024-


The Board approved this new improvement at the farm for DCCL members.

If anyone is out at the farm, please water the new plantings around the outhouse.

submitted by member, Chris Worley

A lot is going on to keep the pheasant farm operational, including feeding the birds.  I asked one of our long-time volunteers how many pounds of feed do we use for 1050 birds, from when we receive the day-old chicks to release day.  How does 7000 pounds sound to you!  

This equates to roughly 70 pounds/bird to end up with a 3-pound pheasant (see picture).  He also mentioned a few other history tidbits.  In the past we have raised 2000 pheasant and 500 Bobwhite quail in one season (currently we raise 1050 pheasant).  We have gotten pretty good at keeping the mortality rate pretty low.  Estimates are probably around 100 lost birds this year, which is average for the last few seasons.  About 9 years ago, the bird population was hit pretty hard by a weasel (usually a lone operator).  That particular year our volunteer estimated we lost 500 birds to the wily weasel.  He said it's pretty evident when you have a weasel issue, they bite them in the neck and pile them together (for future food).  Major effort went into trapping the weasel to no avail.  This issue persisted for several years and at some point, there was even discussion about shutting the farm down for a year in hopes the weasel would move on since there was no food source.  This plan wasn't implemented and for whatever reason after a few years there were no more weasel incidents.

Thank you Dane Co. Pheasants Forever (DCPF)

Pictured above is a DCPF member.

Every year 6 to 10 PF folks come out and clean out the 4 brooders once the chicks have moved to the outdoor pens.  As you probably can imagine, the smell is formidable after 250 chicks dispense uric acid inside each brooder for over a month.  I can hear you asking why PF members would want to do this for a morning.  In return for their hard work, the DCCL donates 50 pheasants to PF for their annual activity day event.

 - July 2024-

The Annual Picnic is scheduled for August 10, 2024. Please RSVP to membership@DCCL.org
Click here for the .pdf version of the July 2024 newsletter.

 - June 2024 -

We need your help!

The Annual Picnic is scheduled for August 10, 2024. Please RSVP to membership@DCCL.org

 - May 2024 -

We couldn't do it without you!

The Annual Picnic is scheduled for August 10, 2024. Please RSVP to membership@DCCL.org

We want to hear from YOU!

If you would like to submit a story, conservation idea, or something related to DCCL's mission, please submit your story here -> "Submit Story"

Check out stories from members and updates from the community on our new Stories & More page. 

Board Members' Corner

Each month at least one Board Member will be sharing something with the DCCL membership. 

This month DCCL Board Member, Dan Stepper and his wife, Sharon, share a story about their experience with prairie chickens. Click here to read more...