Email Membership@DCCL.org to submit your pictures and stories

January 2025

Have you renewed your annual membership? You have some choices. We recommend renewing online and you have two choices on how to pay: 1) pay online or 2) send in a check. We encourage you to pay online. Click on the Annual Membership Form button below and follow the instructions. 

Mark Your Calendar

The annual DCCL Meeting is January 28, 2025. Throw your name in the hat to join the DCCL board and if you have someone you think will be an active board member, ask them if you can throw their name in the hat. 

Elections are that night with pizza, raffles, and a good time. Come on out! Get to know your fellow members and 2024 Board Members. 

February 2025

See you on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 

Guest Speaker: Lesa Kardash (see bio)

Topic:  Management of 17,000 acres of grassland habitat on the Buena Vista and Paul J. Olson Wildlife Areas.

When: 7:00 PM, February 25, 2025

Where: Schwoegler Park Towne Lanes 

444 Grand Canyon Dr, Madison, WI 53719

Hope to see you there! 

Reminder: The farm is closed for the season.  

My husband and four children live next to the Buena Vista grasslands and spend as much time as we can outdoors together.  We enjoy camping, hiking, hunting, fishing, biking, gardening, and simply exploring the natural world as a family.  

I am a native Wisconsinite and grew up near here - in Verona.  I received my Bachelor and Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.  I am an active member of The Wisconsin Chapter of The Wildlife Society. For the past 18 years, I have been a Wildlife Biologist in Portage and Wood Counties with the Wisconsin DNR.  During that time, I have been responsible for implementing the wildlife management program in Portage and Wood Counties.  A significant portion of my work involves the management of 17,000 acres of grassland habitat on the Buena Vista and Paul J. Olson Wildlife Areas.  In 2022, I took on the role of Greater Prairie-chicken staff specialist. 

We want to hear from YOU!

If you would like to submit a story, conservation idea, or something related to DCCL's mission, please submit your story here -> "Submit Story"

Check out stories from members and updates from the community on our new Stories & More page.